Bacon wrapped...

Sometimes I have an eating disorder..

and sometimes ..

I have bacon wrapped mozzarella on a stick, with a side of wasabi sauce..from a food truck..because it is EFFIN'..deLISCHOUS...

And maybe I feel like my MIND is "bacon wrapped" this eating disorder...and medical career.

Suffocating me,

squeezing the life out of me...

until I can't breath.

And I have become so accustomed to being "breathless" that its the only way I know how to live anymore.

And then I remember... I can go back to retrieve my old classic SCHWINN..
and ride like I have always wanted to ..



And I can also retrieve a (NOT so old!) classic friend...who knew me WELL before my mind became "bacon wrapped" by the eating disorder...and the medical career...

and he reminds me that I am still..


and free....

And sometimes you get stuck...running in an effin' DOWNPOUR on your way to your girl's house to retrieve that old classic SCHWINN. And there you are...screaming, running, crying in the rain, but running as fast you as you can to get out of the effin downpour.
You show up in her garage, drenched, sopping wet.  She hands you some towels, and you both commiserate in the garage at the misery of the pouring rain..


The sun finally comes out.

And now you are handed another opportunity to ride...
and FREE.

SO my loves....I leave you with this:
While some may believe the only "SURE" thing in life is "Death and Taxes"...I would like to add to that list...the SUN..because it will MOST DEFINITELY ALWAYS..ALWAYS...