I believe in a hard climb up a steep mountain so you can enjoy a PB&J at the top
I believe in getting up early
I worry that I'm not as good to my friends and fam as they are to me
I worry that my house won't be clean enough for the Pope when he comes to visit.
I don't think Justin realizes the Pope can drop in at ANYTIME
I believe in riding single track, on a single-speed, in the middle of the night, w/ nothing but a headlamp...and your soul. ;)
I believe its ALWAYS better to be outside. PERIOD.
I believe its a bag...NOT a PURSE
BUT...I believe the higher the heel, the better... :)
I believe its all about the little things
I believe in finding your passion
I believe in going to the extreme
I adore my life in NC...but sometimes I miss the North so much it hur...ANYWAYS...
I believe comfort comes in the form of 4 paws and floppy ears
I'm ashamed of my passion for Starbucks...as Dunkin Donuts was my first love...
I believe Raleigh needs more Dunkin Donuts
I believe in cookies..PERIOD.
I like my music loud....hard....fast...
But I believe in sittin' on the dock of the bay...
I believe northerners may react fast, but love slow
I believe southerners react slow, but may love too fast
I believe in long walks and short hair
I believe in holding hands
I believe in napping on a mountain top
I believe soup can cure almost anything
I believe patience is a virtue...but I have yet to accept it
I believe that less is always ALWAYS more
I believe my house is too big
I believe my heart can be bigger if I would let it
I believe in the acoustic guitar
I believe the loudest person in the room is the weakest person in the room
I believe you shouldn't start something you can't finish
I believe everything tastes better when you're camping
I believe if you want reality TV...watch sports....
I believe its is better to be wrapped up in a book and a warm blanket
I believe it would be better for me if "The Office" were a series of books
I believe its easier when we have less options
I believe I could be a much better friend, daughter, sister, wife...

And in the words of Crash Davis (Bull Durham, 1988)

"I believe in the soul.........the small of a woman's back....I believe in the sweet spot, soft-core pornography, opening your presents Christmas morning rather than Christmas Eve and I believe in long, slow, deep, soft, wet kisses that last three days. "

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