Daily dose..O' crap-o-....SUNSHINE!!!

Today...was ...
a ...GOOD DAY...


Who knows...

BUT...I am grateful for:

1. SANS COFFEE.....Esqueeze me???
 Lo Siento..but no comprehendo.....

NO coffee?? No sip, not even uno cup???

How does one SURVIVE...without..

the cafe??

YES...I some how managed to start my day with TEA, instead of ..



..without the heart pounding..head spinning...

blood rushing...  "ENTER RED ZONE HERE" mode..

That evidently, the cafe has been equipping me with for


But not today.

Perhaps tomorrow ;)

2. CARLA...from "CHEERS".

Because she offers that lighthearted, realistic, unencumbered view of life...

the dirty,
the ugly,

I appreciate the reminder that LIFE..
is not always..


Its often "dirty"..

But perhaps, this makes it SO.MUCH.MORE....ENJOYABLE.

3. Sunshine.+ 60ish degrees..

in .. JANUARY.

As one whose mood is so inherently dependent on the weather..

Specifically..the SUNSHINE...

I ADORE...LOVE...and am ETERNALLY GRATEFUL, for any amount of warm sunshine on my face.

ESPECIALLY...in the cold..brisk..dark winter months.

Nothing warms, soothes, relieves, RELEASES......like a warm "snippet" o' sun on yo' face...!!

And hoping you too..my dear friend...were able to appreciate some sunshine on your face ..even if only for today...

Until next time...

Stacy Lynn :)

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